Atlassian 의 새로운 개발 플랫폼 forge #1

Atlassian forge 는 Atlassian cloud 제품에 최적화된 새로운 개발 플랫폼으로 기존 app 개발 방식대비 쉽고 빠르게 Cloud app 을 작성할 수 있습니다.

  • Build apps, not infrastructure: Write an app in minutes while the platform takes care of security, compute, and storage.
  • Maintenance, simplified: Keep apps and customizations up-to-date without the heavy-lifting.
  • The complete development toolkit: From testing to deploying, our Functions-as-a-Service platform has DevOps requirements covered.
  • Achieve more with extensibility: Run apps in Jira and Confluence today (with more on the way!).
  • Share your apps quickly and easily: Use the developer console to distribute your apps to users.

다른 플랫폼과 비교

forge 외에도 Atlassian Connect 를 사용하거나 REST API 를 활용해서 직접 연동하는 개발 방식이 있으며 아래 표는 각 방식의 장단점을 표시합니다. 

forge 는 다른 방식에 비해서 설정과 개발이 간단하며 배포가 쉽지만 개발 언어로 Node.js 와 react 를 사용해야 하는 제약과 아직은 Jira 와 Confluence 만 지원한다는 한계가 있습니다.

ForgeAtlassian ConnectExternal apps and integrations
App hostingHosted by AtlassianHosted by youHosted by you
UI extensibilityIn-product UI modules (custom UI and UI kit)In-product UI modulesNo in-product UI elements
Product APIsManaged REST and
JavaScript APIs
REST and JavaScript APIsREST APIs
App languagesServerless Node.js functionsAny language
(optional frameworks for Node.js and Java)
Any language compatible with your auth method
Auth and data implementationUse built-in authentication, sandboxing, and development environmentsYou have complete control over auth and data implementation (or use JWT token by default)OAuth 2.0 and basic auth available
DistributionMake apps for your team or sell in the MarketplaceMake apps for your team or sell in the MarketplaceMake apps for yourself or your team
CompatibilityJira and Confluence compatibleJira, Confluence, and Bitbucket compatibleOAuth 2.0 apps are Jira Platform, Jira Service Management, and Confluence compatible.
Other product REST APIs available through other auth implementations.
