DB2 quick start reference
DB2 quick start reference
주요 명령어
./bin/db2 명령어는 mysql client 나 oracle 의 sqlmgr 과 같은 역할을 수행하는 콘솔 app
데이타베이스 목록
list database DIRECTORY 명령어로 전체 목록 출력. (MySQL 의 show databases 와 비슷)
db2 => list database DIRECTORY System Database Directory Number of entries in the directory = 1 Database 1 entry: Database alias = SAMPLE Database name = SAMPLE Local database directory = /home/db2inst1 Database release level = 10.00 Comment = Directory entry type = Indirect Catalog database partition number = 0 Alternate server hostname = Alternate server port number =
데이타베이스 생성/삭제
db2 콘솔 app에서 create database 사용
또는 쉘에서 db2 명령어 사용
db2 drop database <db_name>
$ db2 drop database TESTDB3
db2 환경 설정 구성 보기
db2 "get dbm cfg" 명령어로 환경 구성을 확인할 수 있음
$ db2 "get dbm cfg" Database Manager Configuration Node type = Database Server with local and remote clients Database manager configuration release level = 0x1000 CPU speed (millisec/instruction) (CPUSPEED) = 2.361721e-07 Max number of concurrently active databases (NUMDB) = 32 Federated Database System Support (FEDERATED) = NO Transaction processor monitor name (TP_MON_NAME) = Default charge-back account (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) = Java Development Kit installation path (JDK_PATH) = /home/db2inst1/sqllib/java/jdk64
오라클의 SQL*NET 처럼 서비스 이름과 구동 포트를 확인할 경우 grep -i svce 로 검색
$ db2 "get dbm cfg"|grep -i svce TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) = SSL service name (SSL_SVCENAME) =
DB2 TCP/IP listen
루트 권한으로 /etc/services 에 다음 내용 추가
db2 50000/tcp ## ibm db2
db2 명령으로 SVCENAME을 위에서 설정한 서비스 이름(db2) 으로 지정
$ db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME db2
db2set 으로 연결 환경 설정
-all 옵션으로 설정 출력.
$ db2set -all [i] DB2COMM=TCPIP [g] DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR=MYS [g] DB2SYSTEM=whale [g] DB2INSTDEF=db2inst1
db2 재시작
$ db2stop $ db2start
50000 포트로 떴는지 확인
$ lsof -i TCP:50000 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME db2sysc 1315 db2inst1 8u IPv4 69047346 0t0 TCP *:db2 (LISTEN)
db2icrt 명령어 사용
./instance/db2icrt -d -a server -u db2fenc1 db2inst1
유용한 DB2 명령어
Command | Description |
db2cmd | Open DB2 Command line Tool |
db2cc | Open DB2 Control Centre |
db2start | Start Database Normaly |
db2stop | Stop Database Normaly |
db2stop force | Stop Database forcely |
db2 force application all | Close all applications that uses DB2 Database. |
db2level | Display DB2 version and fix pack level |
db6level | Display DB2 Client Version |
db2 terminate | Close the database connection |
db2_kill -all | Kill a hanged instance |
db2licm -l | View license information |
db2 connect to <db2sid> | Establish connection to an instance |
db2 list tablespaces show detail | Displays table space information |
db2 get dbm cfg | Display configuration parameter of databasemanager. |
db2 get db cfg for <db2 sid> | Display configuration parameter of an instance |
db2 update dbm cfg using <parameter_name> <new value> | Change value of a database manager configuration parameter. |
db2 update db cfg for <db2 sid> using <parameter_name> <new value> | Change value of a instance configuration parameter. |
db2 drop database <target db2sid> | Delete and instance |
db2 activate db <dbsid> | Activate Database |
db2 deactivate <dbsid> | Deactivate an active database |
db2 rollforward db <SID> to end of logs | Apply all pending logs |
db2 rollforward db <db2sid> query status | Display rollforward status |
db2 backup database <sid> to "disk:\location" | Take an offline backup to specified location |
db2 list utilities show detail | Display Database backup status |
db2 restore db <sid> from “disk:\path” replace history file | Restore database from a backup image |
, multiple selections available,
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