The SELinux Notebook, 4th Edition

The SELinux Notebook, 4th Edition


Book Description

If you want an effective means of securing your Linux system (and who doesn't?), this book provides the means.

This Notebook has been assembled from information that is available within the public domain and where necessary, updated to reflect the Linux Security Module (LSM) and Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) services as built into the Fedora 10 release of GNU/Linux.

The 4th Edition of the SELinux Notebook should help with explaining:

  1. SELinux and its purpose in life.
  2. The LSM / SELinux architecture, its supporting services and how they are implemented within GNU / Linux.
  3. SELinux Networking, Virtual Machine, X-Windows, PostgreSQL and Apache/SELinux-Plus SELinux-aware capabilities.
  4. The core SELinux kernel policy language.
  5. An introduction to the new Common Intermediate Language (CIL) implementation.
  6. The core SELinux policy management tools with examples of usage.
  7. The Reference Policy architecture, its supporting services and how it is implemented.
  8. The integration of SELinux within Android - SE for Android.

However, this Notebook will not explain how the SELinux policies are managed within each GNU/Linux distribution as they have their own supporting information (e.g. Fedora has the Fedora 10 SELinux User Guide and Gentoo has the Gentoo SELinux Handbook).

The intensive search for a more secure operating system has often left everyday, production computers far behind their experimental, research cousins. Now SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) dramatically changes this. This best-known and most respected security-related extension to Linux embodies the key advances of the security field. Better yet, SELinux is available in widespread and popular distributions of the Linux operating system - including for Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and SUSE - all of it free and open source.

- See more at: http://freecomputerbooks.com/The-SELinux-Notebook-The-Foundations.html#sthash.DvjsxnSB.dpuf





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